Assalammualaikum dan Salam 1 Malaysia.
Wahai kaum Adam,
hanya ada dua wanita saja yang akan mencintai dan menyayangi kau hingga akhir hayat mereka,
yang pertama ialah wanita yang kau panggil ibu,emak,mama,bonda.
yang kedua wanita yang kau panggil isteri.
hanya mereka berdua yang benar benar memberi sepenuhnya kasih sayang mereka pada kau wahai kaum Adam.
Entri kali ini aku post khas utk ibu aku :)
ibu aku orangnya garang, pantang salah sikit mula lah dia membebel,
aku dah penat dengar bebelannya tak kira pagi,petang atau malam,
kalau salah mula lah dia berleter tapi aku tidak kisah semua itu kerana bebelannya itu untuk kebaikan aku juga.
I dedicated this poem special for my mom. Just for my mom.
I dedicated this poem special for my mom. Just for my mom.
Sometimes when I feel my heart so lonely,
She's always there to make me feel better.
No matter how my girl just left me,
I don't care because she's always with me. mom!
Whenever the rain comes down and it's seems there's no one to hold me,
She's there for me, she's my mom,
I love you so much!
Just for my mom, I write this poem
Just for my mom, I dedicated this poem
Just for my mom, can wipe my tears when i'm cried
Just for my mom, can only here, in my deepest part of my heart
Trapped in the problem, which I can't solve it,
Damped in damn situation, in every condition with no conclusion
She's there for me, try to help me, that's my mom!
You may say I have no one to cover me under the sun,
I've my mom, she's there for me.
Mom, I do really love you.
Please don't leave me alone, I can't live without you.
You're the greatest woman I have.
You're the only one I love until my last breathe.
You're the only one I love until my last breathe.
Thanks mom!

Your Son :
Rudy Ramly